Privacy Policy – GDPR

Privacy Policy (GDPR)


Personal data policy

The natural persons who visit the website (users) can navigate its website and make use of its services and content either as ordinary visitors or as registered users and the processing of their personal data due to this access is subject to this policy. Visitors to our website are asked to provide us with personal data only if they want to order product(s), register on our website and/ or email


The website collects two types of information about users: (1) information that the user gives us when registering as a customer, (2) information that the user gives us in order to fulfill his order from the website of the business,


Legality and Purpose of Processing, Update and Update of Data

The company is responsible for the processing of the personal data of the visitor/registered user and controls the processing of his data which complies with the General Regulation of Personal Data 679/2016/EC (GDPR).


The company informs its website users of the following:

3.1.a) To process user data for the purpose of content navigation and online shopping on the website, the company is based on the following legal bases:

– Execution of a contract (Article 6.1.b GDPR): In order to achieve the purpose of executing the distance sales contract or to take measures at the request of the user before the conclusion of a contract, and, in particular, to enable the user to complete the his orders at, it is necessary to process the personal data provided by him during the registration and registration of his order in the order registration form and the recording and monitoring of his transactions. The purpose of this basic data processing is for each user, the completion of the specific order, the communication and the sending of informational messages concerning the stages of processing the order, the provision of clarifications related to the order and in general the analysis and information about purchases that he has carried out, the delivery of the order to the place of his choice, the confirmation and identification of him in any necessary case and the information about the existing stock of  per product.

– Legitimate interests (Article 6.1.f GDPR): Some form of processing of personal data is necessary for the improvement of the company’s services, the detection of attempted fraud or misuse, any cooperation with judicial and regulatory authorities. Also to regularly update the user via telephone communication, mail, e-mail, mobile phone message (SMS) or any other convenient means of communication on their contact information , obtained legally, in the context of the use of, for the company’s products and services in the context of their transactional relationship (Article 11 par. 3 of Law 3471/2006) and as long as the user does not object to this communication. This information may include information about its products and/or offers and/or contests, communication to conduct research to improve the products and services provided to its users as well as other promotional actions and serving similar purposes .

– Legal obligation (Article 6.1.c GDPR): some user data is kept to comply with a legal obligation of the company, such as for tax and accounting purposes.

3.1.b. Every user has the right to access, correct and update the personal data that they provide and must notify the company as soon as possible. Any change of the personal information that he has declared by registering in the company’s online store for better service.


Processing and type of personal data – Rights of visitors/registered users

  1. a) Processing of Personal Data: In the event of an online purchase, the company will process the user’s personal data as stated by him when creating his account and/or when placing his order in the data registration form, in order to complete his specific order through of our online store. The user of the company’s online store makes online purchases in order to complete an online order and declare his personal data. Any user who creates a user account (user account ) in our online store, his personal data will be kept in the company’s files until he requests their deletion. The user can at any time change or correct his data by logging into his account ( login ) with the user name ( username ) and password ( password ).


  1. b) Type of Personal Data

In particular, the personal data that each user must provide in order to carry out any transaction through the company’s online store ( and to place orders for its products are the following: their full name, the shipping address of the products , the billing address of the order (in case it is different from the shipping address), the invoicing information (in case payment by invoice has been selected), the number of a contact telephone number, his electronic address (e- mail ).

In addition to the above, the company also collects and stores the following personal data: order history, frequency of visits, products in the cart or favorites list, participation in promotions


In the event that products or services are requested to be delivered to a third party other than the user, the latter acknowledges that he will have full responsibility for the information and full consent of the person, designated as recipient, for the disclosure of his personal data to business for the sole purpose of delivering to it, the relevant products and assumes full responsibility for any claims of this person against the business.

Our Online Store  provides absolute security in your transactions. Your credit card transactions are encrypted.

The business through the website of does not collect credit card information since the use of a credit card has been chosen as the method of payment for the order. In this case the transaction is automatically transferred to the bank’s online platform and the processing of the transaction is handled by the bank. Credit card information is transferred encrypted. Encryption is done via the SSL protocol ( Secure Socket Layer ) which is the most widespread worldwide. Netscape browsers Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox , Opera , Safari support the SSL protocol and it is recommended to use them to connect to the website of

The user is also informed that for the company’s communication with him, in the context of article 11 par. 3 of Law 3471/2006, the contact information he has declared is being processed. Also, when updates are sent via SMS/ viber / email etc. to the user regarding changes to the terms of use of with a hyperlink , it is possible to record the IP address of the electronic device (mobile phone, tablet , computer, etc.) to prove that the user has received the update.


  1. c) Recipients of data: For the data necessary to serve each of the above processing purposes and within the scope of the responsibilities of each recipient, the recipients of the user’s data may be:

The relevant employees of the company

The tax and audit, supervisory and independent authorities in case of a relevant audit.

When registering, accessing and/or processing the user’s personal data, the company’s employees undertake to fully comply with the provisions of the European General Regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection as well as with the current Greek legislation regarding the protection of personal data. The company requires its employees, the maintainers of its website, as well as its third-party partners to take all the necessary technical and organizational measures (including appropriate policies and procedures to prevent the disclosure of the personal data of its users that are processed and have and implement procedures for the management and processing of personal data in a manner that is lawful and protect them in accordance with the GDPR).


  1. d) Data subject rights: Each user, as a data subject, may at any time exercise their rights, as provided for in the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 679/2016 EU. and in particular articles 12 to 23 thereof and national legislation and in particular:
  2. i) the right to information and access to the data processed by the company,
  3. ii) the right to restrict the processing of his data,

iii) the right to correct or delete part or all of his personal data (right to be forgotten),

  1. iv) the right to object , that is to object to the processing of his personal data, and
  2. v) the right to portability of his data.


He can exercise the above rights as follows:

For the right of access, partial or total deletion and correction/completion of personal data, the company provides the possibility to the users of to see, correct/complete their personal data through their personal account or to request access, partial or total deletion and correction of their data via electronic mail ( email ) to the e-mail address

In case of exercise of any of the above-mentioned rights, the company will take all possible measures to satisfy the request within (1) one month from its submission. In this case, the data subject is informed that the minimum necessary of his personal data will be kept, to safeguard his legal interests. It is clarified that in order for the exercise of the above rights to be considered valid, the identification of the applicant may be required, in order to ensure that the personal data for which any of the above actions are requested actually belong to the natural person requesting the specific action.


  1. e) Personal Data Retention Time: The user’s personal data will be retained until the user requests the deletion of their account. Nevertheless, some necessary personal data concerning their purchases as well as the information about the processing of their data may remain as information for the user to ensure the proof of the legality of the processing of their data by the COMPANY and to ensure the legal claims of the parties. The data collected because of your communication with the business or through the online contact form at either by email or by phone, they are anonymized two (2) years from the date of communication.


  1. f) Special Category Data: For the purposes of this processing, the company neither collects nor requires the disclosure of sensitive personal data (special category data).


  1. g) Obligation of Transparency: For any other information regarding their data as well as their processing and protection, each subject of personal data may contact the company’s Data Protection Officer ( Data Protection Officer ) in the email and on the telephone line 26510 92950. If he considers that he is not satisfied with the answer or in general with the way of collecting, processing and managing his data, he is informed that he has the right to complain to the competent supervisory authority.


  1. h) Technical and Organizational protection measures: The company, the processors on its behalf and the fulfillment assistants are contractually bound to implement the appropriate technical and organizational measures for, as far as possible, the best protection of personal data against accidental or illegal destruction or loss, alteration, illegal disclosure or access to them and generally their illegal processing (including remote access) as well as to ensure the possibility of restoring availability and access to them. These measures aim to ensure a level of security that corresponds to the risk that the specific data may undergo, always taking into account the type and criticality of the data, the development of technology, the cost of implementation and the nature, scope, context and the purposes of each specific processing, while applying procedures for the regular testing, assessment and evaluation of the effectiveness of these technical and organizational measures. In any case, the company, the processors on its behalf and its affiliates / fulfillment assistants are contractually bound to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and not to share them or allow access to them to any third party without the prior information of the subject them except in the cases expressly provided by law.


The company declares that no other use of the users’ personal data will be made for purposes other than those mentioned in these terms without the prior information and, where necessary, the express consent of the subject.